Monday, May 6, 2013

How to STOP Holy Spirit Revival

What would happen if after 60 years of praying for revival to come your son who becomes the next pastor stops it? What would you do if you started a prayer group that got together once a week for gang-bangers in Toledo, OH and your pastor said to stop it because it was not happening inside the church walls? These are tough questions to think about and even tougher to experience but it has happened and causes us to ask can we be in the way of Holy Spirit revival?

Andrew Murray who had written a great number of books in his time described his account of how he stood in the way of revival. He had pictured it one way coming forth in his mind but it appeared in a different light. In his book titled “Humility” he recounts his story of how he hindered revival and its effects on him: 

                “Murray followed his friend to investigate. As they neared the room, the sound grew louder and louder, Murray, confused by the thunderous noise he couldn't identify, opened the door and discovered that all sixty young people were on their knees loudly praying and praising God. They didn't notice their pastor when he entered the room. Deciding that this behavior was inappropriate, he tried to silence them, but they didn't hear him. They continued praying and singing late into the night, finally leaving the church to go out into the streets where others joined them.

                At the next church meeting, Murray finished his sermon. As he led everyone in prayer, the members of the congregation-young and old- spontaneously and simultaneously knelt and loudly prayed their own prayers. Again he tried to quiet them, walking up and down the aisle, begging his flock to calm down. But this time a stranger in the back of the church interrupted him, telling the preacher that he had just come from America where he had witnessed the very same thing happening. He told Andrew that he needed to realize that the Spirit of God was at work in his church and that he should do nothing to stop it. He realized that in spite of him, the revival he had been praying for had finally arrived and that he was to be its champion instead of its opponent.” (Pg 6-7, Humility)

Remember that Andrew Murray’s father had been praying for revival to come for the past 60 years and when it finally came his own son was trying to stop it. What a series of events that must have been to shake all religion out of Andrew Murray. In summary the biographical account of this period in his life continued as follows:

                “Interestingly, when revival finally came to his church. Murray resisted it. At first glance, this is difficult to understand. After all, he had grown up in a house of a father who prayed passionately for revival and the house of an uncle who facilitated it and exposed young Andrew to the finest minds of the movement. Murray, himself, had prayed for revival. But when the time came for him to participate, he was held back by his belief that the Holy Spirit only moved through the preaching of the Word, and therefore only through the pastor.”

Pastor Andrew Murray finally accepted the revival that had been sweeping South Africa at the time and became a staunch advocate for its movement. It makes us think again, How many times have Christian leaders suppressed, stopped, or detracted a move of the Holy Spirit because it was not in their theological views?

More recently, I had an opportunity to listen to a great man of God named Charles Gregory who lives in Toledo, OH. He was sharing his life testimony at a men’s conference of how painful it was to see the move of the Holy Spirit begin with rival gang members and have it stopped by his local pastor.

He shares how once a week, every Saturday morning, rival gang members would gather in a home where Charles would facilitate a prayer group. These were no ordinary child-boy gangs. These were gangs like the Crips and Bloods. They were very violent and extremely dangerous yet the love of Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit reached their hearts. Again, I remind you, RIVAL gang members came together for PRAYER!

Our love for programs and having our church buildings packed out was more preferred for the story of Charles Gregory and his inner urban ministry. His local pastor asked him to move the prayer inside the church building facility or the prayer would have to stop. Charles still growing in the Lord and in ministry submitted to the pastor and moved the prayer to the church. Within a few weeks the prayer stopped and the gang violence in his city increased.

What’s it going to take for us as Christian leaders to recognize the moving of the Holy Spirit instead of our agendas? Are we even looking for what the Holy Spirit is doing anymore? We begin meetings with notebooks of programs and to-do lists instead of having prayer meetings with leaders. Do we even rely on the Holy Spirit these days? Is the Holy Spirit just here for us to make us look good when our programs don’t work out as planned?

Friends, our generation is screaming out for a fresh anointing of God’s Spirit on women and men. The Holy Spirit does not seek a building or a program or a 5 year church growth plan, what He is seeking is hearts walking in humility and are desperately seeking His presence and leadership.

Are you willing to take off your glasses of denomination, past experience, and seminary studies and listen to the moving Spirit of God? God wants to have HIS name glorified and in HIS way! Be Blessed!


  1. My God....forgive us! Here we are Lord....send the revival...we will follow & obey!

  2. @Mark: It must start in God's people returning to a passion for prayer.
