Monday, July 8, 2013

Why Is It So Difficult To Encourage?

For the last five days I have been traveling in Eastern Europe with my spiritual mentor and co-laborer Lee Grady in a city just inside the western Romanian border in a city called Oradea meeting with Christian leaders, pastors, and missionaries encouraging them to continue the work of God. Spending time hearing the local struggles and difficulties they face and the walls of religion and denomination power struggles begs to ask a simple question: Why is it so difficult to encourage sisters and brothers in Christ who live in the same city yet we cannot reach out and hold a prayer meeting or conference together? Even as far as not visiting with local leaders from the same church to just affirm, encourage, and support their passion for the Lord. I believe its time to break the spirit of spiritual pride, elitism, and religious domination so that we can let the Holy Spirit teach us humility, love, and grace.

Where are the spiritual fathers?
Apostle Paul was trying to model the concept of being spiritual fathers to the church in Corinth when he wrote to them saying, "for though you might have ten thousand instructors in Christ, yet you do not have many fathers; for in Christ Jesus I have begotten you through the gospel. Therefore I urge you, imitate me." Christian laborers young and old, European and American, women and men, feel discouraged at the lack of affirmation and encouragement that must be poured into their hearts. One common phrase that I hear very often among many many leaders is that I never had a spiritual father. What blocks this? Why is being a well known teacher, evangelist, author, or pastor so heavily pursued yet thousands of spiritual daughters and sons are left abandoned and orphaned spiritually. The bottom line is we need each other to not only further the gospel of Jesus Christ but to have deep, genuine, and heartfelt relationships in the Christian walk.

Being Relational is Vital
I have been greatly blessed to have met young men in Oradea who travel great distances to not only be taught God's Word but just have the opportunity to spend time talking and hearing and feeling encouragement. I believe it is vital to be relational in our relationships and have the humility and love to just be with people who need even a hug. Have we as Christian leaders become so full of pride that we can only focus on the ministry work and not on those who minister? I challenge you to invest into the lives of others relationaly.  Find someone and mentor them. Be proactive in pouring encouragement into each other. There is never " too much" encouragement. I heard at times that if we encourage someone too much they may get too prideful. That's a cold heart of religion. It is the heart of Jesus to be with people and love them!

Our conversations should not make us look hyper spiritual but simple and approachable. There is one example of one minister in Hungary, where i am currently ministering, that a local pastor shared with me how this minister went to heaven and met with the apostle Paul. Not only did he claim he met with him but that Apostle Paul laid hands on him and anointed him as a prophet to Hungary. The discernment should be evident to us that this minister is so clothed with praise and adoration that he is so spiritual that only apostle Paul can commission him into the prophetic ministry. There has been too much praise of men, yes Christian men, that the regular Christian has an extremely hard time relating. Friends, be full of faith, love, humility, patience, and let your life be surrounded by spiritual sons and daughters in whom you pour encouragement.

It is not difficult to encourage those who are weary and wounded. Just start! Let people have easy access to you, so they can not only hear and feel encouragement but also see it with their eyes. Christians, especially in America, have shifted to a selfish and me only mentality. We have become lazy and conceited in finding the needs of those around us and pouring encouragement out. Job is a perfect example of everything that went wrong in his life and yet he found the love to bless his friends that were accusing him of being sinful in his actions. The book of Job gives us a model in chapter 42 verse 10, "and the Lord restored Job's losses when he prayed for his friends. Indeed the Lord gave Job twice as much as he had before."

Encourage those around you! Become a spiritual father or mother to those that need the love and compassion and support of God the Father! Invest time being with people! It is more important to be relational than to prosper in ministry. Jesus wants our heart and he wants each of our lives to reflect His heart and His love. Encourage someone today!

Twitter: @PaulMuzichuk

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Holy Spirit Teach Us To Love

According to the world population clock there are 7,127,160,367 people living in this world as of July 4, 2013. In that number is you and me, your neighbors, your peers, your friends, your family, the gas station attendant, your supermarket cashier, and billions more! They come from many countries, different languages, variety of cultural traditions, from white to mocha to black skin colors, all with a unique and complete originality about them. Each one of these people desire one thing in common, pure love. As disciples of Jesus Christ, we are told that people will see the love of God when they observe how we, as Christians, love one another. What makes us stop loving one culture from the next? Why do we passionately love, care, and bless those with the same language or same church name or same denomination or even same Bible college name yet find things inside our heart that has no compassion for an impoverished family in a different region or a church leader in a different denomination or a young person who dresses and speaks in unrecognizable tones to you?

Unconditional Love 
I am so happy that Jesus did not love me because I belonged to a denomination or a seminary but loved me unconditionally with an everlasting love. The Bible teaches us that Christ loved you and me when were yet still sinners! Hallelujah! Jesus saved me, became my best friend for the pure love of God was in Him. It moved His heart with compassion to serve a world that failed to show mercy, kindness, and love. Jesus teaches us how to love ALL the world!

What has happened to us as followers of Jesus Christ that we have become so divided,  prejudice, and self-serving? We have denominations and affiliations that keep order and structure yet draw lines in the sand to determine are these outside folks or churches or organizations "clean" enough to shake hands with. We pretend to love the world and the world sees our disguise. Thousands of church leaders and pastors have fallen prey to hurtful discouragement and wounds because we see a microscopic vision of God's love. We want to love those that adore, love, and respect us. However, Jesus reminded us we receive our reward already here on earth if we only love those who do the same in return. As Christians we have become unresponsive to our selfish motives and we need the unconditional love and grace of the precious Holy Spirit to move us to love people who desperately are seeking it in this world of sin and hurt.

Break Pride via Servant-Humility
Masking your pride and conceit will only lead you to a dungeon of despair and personal torment. Have you ever met a Christian person or leader who wreaked from pride all over? You could smell it in the dialogue, in the careless attitude towards you,  and in the selfish wants not needs they had for themselves for you to do. How do we break this in our generation? We must learn to be humble and servant minded to ALL people. That means praying for ALL types of people, caring for them, befriending them, genuinely having a heart felt conversation and not just the regular "God loves you" Christian slogan. Get personal with people and let them SEE the love of God. It is time we stop our endless meetings and start conversations with real people that need real help from the real source which is Jesus Christ through the Holy Spirit!

I challenge you to inventory your circle of relationships and ask yourself the following:
Do I love them mostly because they love me?
Do I initiate friendships or do I wait for the friend to come to me?
Can I love every nation, every people, every race?
Jesus, examine my motives inside my heart and teach me by your Holy Spirit to love ALL people!

Twitter: @PaulMuzichuk