Friday, April 26, 2013

A Generation of Greed

"My entire life savings is gone."

"CEO under investigation for fraud."

"The preacher scammed me."

"I don't know what I am going to do now."

These are quotes taken from real lives who have been destroyed by greed. We all want large bank accounts and a portfolio of real estate properties but what our generation lacks is humility and contentment.

Greed is the driving force behind thousands of marriages heading into divorce, national corporations going bankrupt, churches being split, main street families losing life savings, and trust being ripped apart. Why is the heart so hungry for gain and fame? What is it that leads the human heart to create plans to decieve, lie, and steal from others? We are a generation of greed.

The Bible says, "For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evils. It is through this craving that some have wandered away from the faith and pierced themselves with many pangs."(1 Timothy 6:10) Many try to say that money becomes the problem. However, that is not what the Bible says, it states that THE LOVE OF money becomes a growth of evil roots into our hearts. It becomes our consuming passion and drives our will. Our generation loves to show-case what we have or more accurately would be what we have via debt. It's time to stand strong in the love of the Lord and resist the desire to have greed control our emotions, our will, and ultimately our life.

Finding Fault in Others
We love to point the finger at those horrible senior CEO's in the large board rooms who have created a culture of pride, arrogance, and greed. But let's wait a minute. Let's check our heart and soul. Don't we do the same? Don't we find ways to acquire wealth without paying the real price? Don't we love to flaunt all the newest toys and whistles we have purchased to our friends in church so they can approve of our successful status? Greed is rampant in the church and its shocking tenticles have reached high and low. Let us be honest with ourselves when it comes to greed. All of us have succomed to its temptation at one point or another. We compare to different levels of money, items, or properties but its all the same root. Greed is greed.

Defining Greed:
Intense and selfish desire for something, esp. wealth, power, or food.
Is Greed in Me? Be honest with YOUR heart and review:
1. Is debt a growing trend in my life?
2. Have I purchased clothes, cars, watches, shoes, purses, strollers, hats, glasses, or household furniture, to impress my family or friends? Ask the Holy Spirit.
3. Do I have a difficult time giving to the poor or needy?
4. Do I create excuses for my behavior?
5. Do I think of the money I earned as MY MONEY or THE LORD's money?
6. Men, have you purchased electronics, televisions, sports vehicles, sports equipment with the motivation of intense selfish desire?
7. Ministry leaders, have you asked your friends and familiy to give because they NEEDED to?
Only the Holy Spirit can prick the core of our hearts and tell us where we have fallen. Our desire and intensive search should not be for things but for Jesus. We have sweeped Jesus under the rug when it comes to our finances but He wants to lead ALL of our lives. Not just Sunday mornings, and the tithe offerings, He wants to teach us faith and contentment in every detail of our lives. Glory be to God!
"Keep your life free from love of money, and be content with what you have, for he has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.” (Hebrews 13:5) The bottom line is we do not TRUST GOD for taking care of us, for promoting us in His time and we begin to take things into our own hands. I pray the Holy Spirit can bring us back to the foot of the croos daily to remind us that Jesus Christ has taken care of us in more ways than we can ever count.

Refresh your heart in prayer today. Talk with Jesus about your spending habits. Glorify Him!

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