Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Hidden Wounds: Sexual Abuse In Slavic Families

I was born into a God-fearing Ukrainian family. I was taught to love God, serve people, and preach Jesus Christ without compromise. The core biblical values have been deeply enrooted inside of my heart from a very young age. I love Slavic people, not only because I am one, but especially because we have fiery passion to serve God and spread the kingdom of God to all nations. However, I have been deeply concerned at how sexual abuse victims are being covered up in many Russian-speaking churches or otherwise also known as Slavic churches. (This happens in all countries but from the personal stories that I have interviewed we will keep the perspective as such).
Each culture has things to be greatly proud of and things to hang heads in shame. This is one where we need to reevaluate our perspectives to see if we love reputation more than the healing process of the Holy Spirit. 

Is reputation more valuable than inner healing from sexual abuse? Many would answer with a resounding, no! So why do we keep sweeping these “dirty” sins under the church or ministry name and letting women, men, young and old continue to live in suppressed pain and depression? Just to shed a little light, there are many sexual abuse victims in the Slavic community who are in desperate need of healing. Yet this subject is seldom given the proper light and even worse given almost no chance of understanding how to get healed. So why is it so rare to hear a word spoken on healing sexual wounds in the church? Can I be brutally honest with you friend?; We love the name recognitions and reputations of not only our church names but our family names.

It is hard to read about our hidden problems and even harder to write about them. We as Spirit-filled believers and leaders need to understand that our ministry is not in our family name or in our church name but in the name of Jesus Christ. It is in the healing power of the Holy Spirit where liberty is born and souls are given a deep cleansing application that only the hand of God can purify. The platform of love, edification, and support must surround our friends who have become victims to this plague called sexual abuse in our generation. Most importantly, an opening and window of opportunity should be presented for the inner healing of God’s Spirit to start its process inside these souls. 

God wants to heal! We must break down the walls of prideful worship to exist and give the liberty of the Holy Spirit to flow into our ministries, churches, and families. We have lifted up our names yet have given hurting souls no direction that the power of the cross of Jesus Christ is still fully able and willing to remove the pain, hurt, shame, guilt, and frustration of what had happened in the past. God is a healer of the inner most parts of our souls. He wants us not only fully healed but empowered to do His will with great confidence and faith. 

3,000 Slavic Women Who Cried I would like to share a very emotional event that happened with a very close ministry friend of mine. He ministered a few years ago at a women’s conference in Kiev, Ukraine with an attendance close to 3,000 women. As he closed his final message and address the crowd, he was being tugged by the Holy Spirit to ask if any women in the conference would like healing from any form of sexual abuse that happened in their life to come to the alter for prayer. He was anticipating a small time of prayer ministry to occur but what happened next brought him to an emotional weeping at what he was witnessing. All 3,000 women were standing up out of their seats and coming forward to the front stage for prayer. All the aisles were being filled up quickly with all these 3,000 women crying and weeping for God to heal them from sexual abuse from their past. Many of these women were pastor’s wives, leaders, and workers in the kingdom of God. God hears the cry of his people! He wants to heal! God wants to heal! God wants to heal!
How long is long enough? Do we want people free in the power of the Holy Spirit or do we want to protect a prideful name?
I personally have counseled, prayed, and seen inner healings of victims from past sexual abuse. It is the most humbling experience to see a woman or man who was caught in hell’s pit of sexual torment and brought into the light of Jesus Christ to experience the love of God and find Holy Spirit healing. God still heals! God wants to heal! Let God heal you!
Our intersection must always be at the foot of the cross! That’s where healing flows like fresh pressed olive oil. That is where the ministry of the Holy Spirit is most effective. When we can bring people to Jesus Christ and help them understand that their healing was paid by His precious blood miracles happen. I pray for the outpouring of God’s love to manifest its grace in your life. He is so good and so kind and so gentle! Jesus wants to heal! 

If you have been sexually abused, don’t suppress the pain. It must be dealt with by the Holy Spirit. Find someone who can minister to you that you can fully trust. In the name of Jesus Christ don’t walk in shame, guilt, and condemnation anymore Jesus wants to still heal the past sexual abuse. He still loves YOU!

Leaders: Enough with our ministry names, church names, or family names. We feel if sexual abuse situations come out from within our ministries or churches that we will have bad reputations of being a “good pastor” or “a good minister” or “a good preacher” or “a good family”. It’s not about US! It never was. It is about the healing work of Jesus Christ!
(More Help: If you seek additional help concerning sexual abuse or have questions on getting freed you can feel free to contact me and we will try to find the best help for you.)

Monday, April 29, 2013

Instant Gratification: Hell’s Trap

The waiting room in the hospital is the most uncomfortable room in the hospital. It creates anxiety, fear, depression, agitation, grief, sorrow, helplessness, deep concern, worry, doubt, and the like. Some may say the operating room is the most feared but I say it is the waiting room. In the operating room you know someone is doing something to help you but in the waiting room all you can see is nothing, absolutely nothing. You don’t see the work happening,; you don’t see the doctors operating;  you don’t see bones being repaired; you don’t see healing taking place. What do you see? You see nothing. Why do we dread the waiting room?
We want instant results. We want to know loved ones will be healed and well and they will be released immediately from the hospital. The truth is long weeks of endurance and patience of recovery take place. Yet we as Christians still want the instant gratification of a being spiritually fit and strong. We want to be instantly sanctified without placing our heart into the process. We want the artificially enhanced food approach: make it feel good, make it taste good, make it smell good and do it as quickly as possible without me touching any of the ingredients. Let me just press one or two buttons and I want to be satisfied. We cry out, “God we love you”, “Lord we place our life as a living sacrifice”, “We will go where you send us”, but we truthfully do not make it reality. We love the feeling of God but detest the process of holiness.
What are hell’s traps for the 21st century believer?
*Love of Self. Everything is about ME. In church, work, school all must serve MY needs first.
*Fast Promotion: Give me the title without the character. (Pastor, leader, director, teacher, etc)
*Secrets vs. Process: Show me the immediate secrets of holiness so I can live without any righteous sorrow of sin in my life. Let me possess the secrets of the Bible but forget why waiting is mandatory. I want the secret knowledge instead of the Father who teaches a lifelong journey.

*Prayerlessness: Why pray?! I have Youtube series of how to overcome everything in life. I can listen from the preacher what I need to know. I can study in seminaries and colleges. Prayer? What’s that?! This is what is crippling the church of Jesus Christ! We want the glory of God without spending time in the prayer closet alone. Let someone else pray, let someone else fast, let someone else cry out for souls of men but I will just cherry pick the blessings without knowing God personally. Where is prayer in YOUR life?

*Avoiding the Poor/Needy: Our culture has permeated pride and the worship of pride into the church. Spirit-filled believers are avoiding the poor and needy to spend time with the wealthy and famous preachers/believers/churches. (I do not discredit large ministries but take caution to its idolization from Christians). We love to spend time with the person who we saw on TV preaching or on some Youtube channel or when we saw them at a large conference yet we push away the thought of being with the poor. We have become prideful. Take a test. In your church, in your own family is there a HEART purposed for serving the poor? (Homeless in your community, a poor relative/family, cancer patients, etc..) We have a world in need of real hope yet we prefer to throw in a dollar or two to send someone else to do the job.

The Bible repeatedly reminds us to wait on the Lord:

Psalm 27:14: “Wait on the Lord; Be strong and let your heart take courage; Yes, wait for the Lord.”
Psalm 37:9: “For evildoers will be cutoff, but those who wait for the Lord, they will inherit the land.”
Christian author Stephan Armstrong says, “When we seek instant gratification approach to our Christian walk, we will inevitably grow frustrated as our efforts to produce spiritual fruit take longer than we expected or desired. Frustration leads to discouragement, and ultimately we may abandon the basic disciplines of the Christian faith. Conditioned to believe every good thing is quick and easy, we may rationalize our poor spiritual disciplines with thoughts like, “Prayer takes too long to see results, studying the Bible is so boring, and fasting just isn’t good for my metabolism.” We may live in the age of instant gratification, but there is no such thing as instant sanctification this side of heaven.”
Do you resist trusting God in the waiting room he has for your life? Do you find it easier to take things into your hands and move things along? Is it time for you to ask the Lord to teach you to trust him fully? Find time to wait inside the prayer closet.
The Good Doctor-Jesus Christ, always has good news for us in our spiritual waiting room for when He is done working on us, we become holier, more humble, joyful, and full of courage to finish the work He has prepared for us.
Wait on the Lord!

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Under the Influence of Friends

More and more pre-teens, teens, young adults, and maturing adults are plagued by a driving storm of pressure who ironically are called friends. Small and big decisions are influenced by the circle of friends in their lives. Some understand this well others flow with the driving force. Our generation needs friends like Shadrach Meshach and Abednego.
What are the similarities between us and Shadrach Meshach and Abednego’s cultures?
1.       Worship gods of its generation and gold.
Then the herald loudly proclaimed, “Nations and peoples of every language, this is what you are commanded to do:
As soon as you hear the sound of the horn, flute, zither, lyre, harp, pipe and all kinds of music, you must fall down and worship the image of gold that King Nebuchadnezzar has set up.” (Daniel 3:4-5)
Our gods have become an insatiable appetite for instant wealth, overnight celebrity status, living in the richest sub-divisions, driving the top end vehicles, working 2-3 jobs to showcase your lifestyle, greed, the worship of sex, sexual orgies, sex partners, sexual references, all forms of pornography, women made to be god, following the preacher with the most followers, we are drawn to the rich and famous. It hasn’t changed since the days of Shadrach Meshach and Abednego.
2.       Fear Dismantles Faith.
15 Now when you hear the sound of the horn, flute, zither, lyre, harp, pipe and all kinds of music, if you are ready to fall down and worship the image I made, very good. But if you do not worship it, you will be thrown immediately into a blazing furnace. Then what god will be able to rescue you from my hand?”(Daniel 3:15)
Fear is constantly raging to destroy any form of faith inside of you. The devil will use anything possible in his arsenal to eliminate any ounce of faith within your heart. Our generation needs friends of faith not fame. We need friends of humility not prosperity. We need prayer closet servants not national speakers. We need committed servants of God not lukewarm Christians. Beloved, do not let the influence of friends drive your life let the presence of the Jesus via His Holy Spirit lead you!
3.       Every Soul Will Be Tested.
22 The king’s command was so urgent and the furnace so hot that the flames of the fire killed the soldiers who took up Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego,
23 and these three men, firmly tied, fell into the blazing furnace.
” (Daniel 3:22-23) Your friends will not give you the backbone of a faithful follower of Jesus Christ. Only the Jesus himself can inspire, mold, and give you strength to endure all trials and tests. These verses teach us that no matter how strong you think you are in the Lord, you WILL BE TESTED. We as Christians have become so lazy in finding areas of weakness in our walk with the Lord. We love to ask God to just take it away or destroy it from our lives but the only way that will happen is through the fire! God wants a pure Church, a holy remnant, a people without any attachments to this world.

4.       Choice of world’s gold and God’s gold.
28 Then Nebuchadnezzar said, “Praise be to the God of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, who has sent his angel and rescued his servants! They trusted in him and defied the king’s command and were willing to give up their lives rather than serve or worship any god except their own God.” (Daniel 3:28) Beloved, there is always a choice you make. Will you let friends, your peers, your circle of relationships lead you into serving the gods of this world or will you let the Holy Spirit show you the love of the Father? These three men were given a choice take the easy, wide road, and worship the gold statue. It was easy to just bow the knee. It was easy to just agree with that generation. Everyone was doing it. Everyone was worshipping the same thing. But faith gives victory in the darkest times. Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego said even if we must die to this world will live for the living God! We need friends of faith, full of the Holy Spirit, full of God’s presence to stand with us. When we choose God’s gold, it’s a narrow road, we become refined, but then only God, only God alone will receive the glory! Choose God’s gold.

Are your friends either young or old helping you to grow closer to the heart of Jesus Christ or are they helping you to bow down to our generation’s gods? Find friends that are passionate for Jesus Christ and they will stand with you when you go through the fire for they will be faithful friends.
To God be the glory!

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Carriers of God's Glory

What happens when the glory of God comes and surrounds you?
What happens when you are in a church service that is soaked in God's glory?
What is the difference between God's glory and man's glory?

Friend, Jesus Christ lives inside of us with His Holy Spirit! Glory to God! We are the carriers of His presence and most importantly His glory here on earth.
Many of us forget that we have the high honor of being called not only messengers but carriers of God's glory. Think about that! An everlasting, perfect, and all-knowing God has appointed you and I to be His ambassadors here on earth and to expand His kingdom with His glory. We do not fight a physical war but a spiritual war for men's hearts. It is the greatest battle we face, yet we know that the presence of almighty God resides right inside of us. It is one of the greatest mysteries that a holy and omnipotent God lives inside a sinners heart. The unsurpassed grace that is on us is astounding! God's love is eternal!
The Holy Spirit has been stirring my heart to meditate on the Glory of God in recent weeks. At times we position Jesus Christ as a mere human man that once walked the earth but let us not forget that he was man and God at the same time. His divine nature was and is still present within us. He was the Son of God in living form! He was the epitome of the one who carried the glory of God here on earth. His example to us is clear, less of man and more of God. Less of my pride and more of God's humility. Less of my desires and more of His will. God's heart is for men to carry His presence, His glory, His power throughout all the earth!
We have silenced the voice of the Holy Spirit internally and refuse to speak His words externally. Why? What makes us so afraid to not take the task of expanding the kingdom of God with God's glory? What is it that offends the Holy Spirit about our life that the supernatural presence of God's glory cannot be visible in our life?
Something the Lord spoke through the prophet Jeremiah gives us insight into understanding our dilemma. This is written in Jeremiah 9:23-24:
“23 Thus says the Lord: "Let not the wise man glory in his wisdom, Let not the mighty man glory in his might, Nor let the rich man glory in his riches; 24 But let him who glories glory in this, That he understands and knows Me, That I am the Lord, exercising lovingkindness, judgment, and righteousness in the earth. For in these I delight," says the Lord.”
As I began to study these verses the Holy Spirit revealed the heart of man inside these scriptures. The Lord took Jeremiah and began to speak to the Israelites and wanted them to understand something very important, that any form of self-praise, self-promotion, and prideful behavior will not be tolerated. It will be resisted.
The word ‘wisdom’ in that verse is the Hebrew word: חכמה chokmah. This is very important to understand because you will understand God’s heart here.  This word has multiple sub-sections of meaning and each one can be used in this verse. This word means the following:
                                Wisdom in Skill, Administration, Ethical, Religious,
God was saying don’t boast in your wisdom! Let me help you rephrase this so you can grasp its depth. Don’t be wise in your own eyes, don’t have a prideful heart, don’t think you are so wise even if you have skills and talents, or you have technical abilities in a trade of work, or you are able to administer and manage organization or groups of people, or you know how to ethically present yourself in a group of people or with your peers, or you know the structure of religious affairs and how things need to be put in its places. God says DO NOT say this is my hand that has done this. Think about that!
The next thing verse 23 addresses is not to glory in our might. Some people may think it refers to our physical strength, however, here it refers to the level of influence you have in your life. If God has given you influence in your family, at work, in school or college, or in ministry do NOT glory in that. Do not soaked up your ego in thinking how wonderful you are since you have so much influence. It’s not about you, it’s about the GLORY OF GOD!
The last word God addresses is riches. He says do NOT glory in your wealth, ability to create wealth, or your level of influence in the world with your wealth. God is not opposed to blessing you financially but it becomes a sense of glory it is not pleasing unto Him.
Let me review here. God is talking to three levels of our life:
                1. Our internal abilities and talents
                2. Our external influence on people
                3. Our position and power in the world
So to out all this together the Lord through Jeremiah is saying do not glory in your internal and natural abilities, do not glory in the level of influence you have on people around you and do not glory in your position in the world to make decisions with your wealth. WOW! God alone deserves the glory and honor and power! Hallelujah! To God be the Glory!
Let me ask you, beloved, do you pride yourself in these areas? Do you secretly give glory to your talents and level of influence? Do you know how to act ethically and religiously in every detail down to the tiniest yet covet the glory from men inside your heart? God has no partiality.
Remove your clothes of pride, let the Holy Spirit dismantle the arrogance and hidden prideful motives so you can once again be filled with the Glory of God and carry it all over the world!
To God be the glory!
Side Note: Below is a recent sermon recorded at my church on the message of THE GLORY OF GOD. It is in Russian language. You can view it as it goes deeper into this subject. Forward as you wish. To God be all glory.

Friday, April 26, 2013

A Generation of Greed

"My entire life savings is gone."

"CEO under investigation for fraud."

"The preacher scammed me."

"I don't know what I am going to do now."

These are quotes taken from real lives who have been destroyed by greed. We all want large bank accounts and a portfolio of real estate properties but what our generation lacks is humility and contentment.

Greed is the driving force behind thousands of marriages heading into divorce, national corporations going bankrupt, churches being split, main street families losing life savings, and trust being ripped apart. Why is the heart so hungry for gain and fame? What is it that leads the human heart to create plans to decieve, lie, and steal from others? We are a generation of greed.

The Bible says, "For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evils. It is through this craving that some have wandered away from the faith and pierced themselves with many pangs."(1 Timothy 6:10) Many try to say that money becomes the problem. However, that is not what the Bible says, it states that THE LOVE OF money becomes a growth of evil roots into our hearts. It becomes our consuming passion and drives our will. Our generation loves to show-case what we have or more accurately would be what we have via debt. It's time to stand strong in the love of the Lord and resist the desire to have greed control our emotions, our will, and ultimately our life.

Finding Fault in Others
We love to point the finger at those horrible senior CEO's in the large board rooms who have created a culture of pride, arrogance, and greed. But let's wait a minute. Let's check our heart and soul. Don't we do the same? Don't we find ways to acquire wealth without paying the real price? Don't we love to flaunt all the newest toys and whistles we have purchased to our friends in church so they can approve of our successful status? Greed is rampant in the church and its shocking tenticles have reached high and low. Let us be honest with ourselves when it comes to greed. All of us have succomed to its temptation at one point or another. We compare to different levels of money, items, or properties but its all the same root. Greed is greed.

Defining Greed:
Intense and selfish desire for something, esp. wealth, power, or food.
Is Greed in Me? Be honest with YOUR heart and review:
1. Is debt a growing trend in my life?
2. Have I purchased clothes, cars, watches, shoes, purses, strollers, hats, glasses, or household furniture, to impress my family or friends? Ask the Holy Spirit.
3. Do I have a difficult time giving to the poor or needy?
4. Do I create excuses for my behavior?
5. Do I think of the money I earned as MY MONEY or THE LORD's money?
6. Men, have you purchased electronics, televisions, sports vehicles, sports equipment with the motivation of intense selfish desire?
7. Ministry leaders, have you asked your friends and familiy to give because they NEEDED to?
Only the Holy Spirit can prick the core of our hearts and tell us where we have fallen. Our desire and intensive search should not be for things but for Jesus. We have sweeped Jesus under the rug when it comes to our finances but He wants to lead ALL of our lives. Not just Sunday mornings, and the tithe offerings, He wants to teach us faith and contentment in every detail of our lives. Glory be to God!
"Keep your life free from love of money, and be content with what you have, for he has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.” (Hebrews 13:5) The bottom line is we do not TRUST GOD for taking care of us, for promoting us in His time and we begin to take things into our own hands. I pray the Holy Spirit can bring us back to the foot of the croos daily to remind us that Jesus Christ has taken care of us in more ways than we can ever count.

Refresh your heart in prayer today. Talk with Jesus about your spending habits. Glorify Him!

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Preparing For Persecution

Apostle Paul warned his disciple Timothy saying, “Yes, and all who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution.” (2 Timothy 3:12)

Fellow Christians, we are being prepared by the Holy Spirit to endure much persecution in the years to come in this country. Like it or not it’s coming. We have fallen away from our first love which is Jesus Christ. We have followed immorality, drunkenness, sexual worship, and greed equal to that of idol worship. Our hearts have become cold towards the Lord and His will. More and more laws will continue to pressure followers of Jesus Christ to wash away any spiritual borders you have made. I write to warn you to prepare for the coming persecutions. It will not happen suddenly but erosion of liberty and freedom of Christian worship will continue to be pushed out of government institutions, state laws, city ordinances, and local communities. Apostle Paul understood that if you are willing to fully devote yourself to following Jesus Christ that you will be persecuted.

The word ‘persecution’ in 2 Timothy 3:12 in the Greek is DIOKO.  It means the following:
§  To make to run or flee, put to flight, drive away
§  To press on
§  To pursue
§  In any way possible to harass, trouble, molest one
§  To be mistreated, suffer persecution on account of something

Persecution is not to be feared. It’s part of our Christian faith and walk. We seldom talk on this subject in America because of the prosperity we see around us. But step into a country like Syria, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Egypt and you will quickly understand that Christianity is not just a Sunday morning pew warming life it’s a fully dedicated life for the glory of God. Over in over in the Word of God there is a safety spoken to each believer constantly saying ‘Do Not Fear’For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline.”(2Timothy 1:7) We must trust God in all world events and laws being imposed. Even if it seems that we are on the losing side of the battle, TRUST GOD. God did not call us to be famous, influential, or confrontational, but He called us to be faithful.

One late commentator wrote this about Apostle Paul’s life:
“The apostle’s life was very exemplary for three things: for his doctrine, which was according to the will of God; for his life, which was agreeable to his doctrine; and for his persecutions and sufferings. Though his life was a life of great usefulness, yet it was a life of great sufferings; and none, I believe, came nearer to their great Master for eminent services and great sufferings than Paul; he suffered almost in every place.”

Friends, it is time to accept the sufferings of Jesus Christ as a way of life. We are so caught up in the celebrity status lifestyle that we forget what suffering even means. I do not advocate seeking persecution but I urge you to not fear it. Prepare your hearts in the prayer closets. That is where you find strength, victory, and confidence to continue to share the love of Jesus Christ in an angry and rebellious world. I urge you find time to be alone with the Lord. It’s not how much you do for God it’s how well you KNOW Him. He wants a deep and intimate relationship with His people. Ask the Lord to fill you with the power of His Holy Spirit for the days to come.

Before I make a list of ways persecution occurs remember this: People are not rejecting you as a person they are rejecting the work of the Holy Spirit in your life, your family, and your ministry. They are ultimately rejecting the son of God Jesus Christ.

How does persecution happen practically?

1.       Verbal and Emotional Abuse.It often happens inside the family, at work, in schools and colleges. They try to malign your life and discredit your testimony as much as possible. Crude jokes about Christians have become the highlight of talk shows and late night comedy. Not only on television but among friends and our peers. Remember, “You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the one who is in you is greater than the one in the world.” (1 John 4:4)

2.       Financially Cutoff. We think that if we have a great padded portfolio or savings account that nothing will harm me. How many times have we heard of Christians or Christian companies having to defend their Biblical values in court? Just in case you forgot, court fees are expensive. Your faith will be tested in every area. Fear Not.

3.       Dismantling Public Displays of Faith. We have seen this trend year after year and it has been increasing exponentially. Government court houses, banks, schools, colleges, even in sub-divisions where you live are persecuting you and removing any and all public displays of faith. Have courage to not be silent!

4.       Silencing Your Voice. That is the ultimate goal of the devil. It’s to silence your voice and not give you a chance to speak about the name of Jesus Christ. How many articles have you read and heard where Christian college students have been thrown out of classes for their comments or a classroom teacher telling students to write the name of Jesus on a notepad and then stomp on it. We live in a demonized world and we need women and men of faith to rise up and climb out of the cave of fear. Stand firm for Jesus Christ.

5.       Physical Abuse & Violence. Yes, here in America. Suffering occurs because of the testimony of Jesus. We do not need to go to the Middle East or to northern Africa to hear of violence. It’s growing in an alarming rate for the purpose of pushing God out of this country and to be as gods. Our strength as Christians is to keep pressing on with the full assurance that Jesus said He will never leave or forsake us.

I most want to encourage you friend is to stay on guard and vigilant in your walk with Jesus Christ. God has given you a voice-use it.

Apostle Paul was trying to prepare us in all areas of our lives because He knew that the Gospel of Jesus Christ is not an easy road it’s a narrow road. Remember beloved, “Yes, and all who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution.” (2 Timothy 3:12)

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

How Did Jesus Heal?

1.)   Jesus Healed by the Word
Mark 3:1-6, Man with withered hand
He had a withered hand. The hand represents authority and ability. The Greek word means that the man’s hand had been injured doing something. He had been injured by a tragic event or an attack. He had not always been without the use of his hand.
*Healing takes place where God’s people gather.
*Healing happens when Jesus Christ’s presence is experienced
*Healing may require public exposure of the need

2.)  Jesus Healed by Faith
Luke 7:1-10, Roman officer for his servant healing
A Roman officer received the honor of being the greatest person of faith during Jesus’s earthly ministry.
*He had mercy on the hurting; Jesus promised blessing on the merciful
*He respected the anointed leader over the place he lived. He submitted to the spiritual authority of the Jewish elders.
*He loved the nation of Israel. The Lord blesses those who bless Israel.
*He built God a house of worship.

3.)  Jesus Healed to Release Service
Mark 1:30-31, Peter’s Mother-in-law sick
The word “serve” comes from Greek word diakonos, our English word deacon. The word means “through the dust”. It means to move so quickly into service that one kicks up some dust.

4.) Jesus Healed to Restore Life
Leprosy was the cancer or AIDS of Jesus’ day.
Mark 1:40-45, Leprosy healed by Jesus
Verse 40 “If You are willing, You can make me clean.” The word “can” is from dunamis, which is “miracle-working power”. Literally, the man says to Jesus, “If it is Your will, then I know You have the miracle-working power to heal me.”

5.)  Jesus Healed Through the Faith of Others
Mark 2:1-12, Four friends bring their paralytic friend to Jesus
Please note preaching the Word preceded hands-on ministry
Jesus saw “their faith” and his friend was healed. The faith of friends.
The man did not have a way to be healed but his friends saw the need.

6.) Jesus Healed Through Deliverance
Medical authorities affirm that much of our sickness begin in our mind. Our mental state often determines our level of health.
Acts 10:38, Mark 5:1-20
Pornography industry is full of demonized victims.
Demonic oppression and suppression can limit your health and normal functions.

7.)  Jesus Healed the Desperate
Mark 5:25-34, Woman with issue of blood for 12 years
Jarius was her rabbi, it is interesting that his daughter is the same age as the years this woman had been ill.
Simply put-desperation

8.) Jesus Healed the Persistent
Matthew 15:22-28, Jesus talks with woman from Tyre and Sidon
He called the woman and her child dogs! Now, this was the common term for non-Jews in that time. They were called Gentile dogs.
God may strip you of your pride in order to expose your persistent faith.

9.) Jesus Healed to Reveal the Heart of God
John 9, Spits mud in his eyes.
Jesus works will not be controlled, confined, or restricted by man’s religion or parameters.
Jesus used spit and mud to heal this man; that way only God could get the glory. God will heal through unusual means to release revelation of His mighty works.

10.)                      Jesus Healed His Enemies
Luke 22:49-51, Jesus heals Malchus soldier.
It was Jesus’s last miracle before the cross.
Note that there was no faith, no church connection, no praise, no worship, and no reason for this man to be healed. Jesus healed him because HE LOVED. 

Do YOU need Jesus to HEAL YOU? Ask Him Right Now! 

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Struggles of Slavic Third Culture Children

“When we lived in Ukraine we had countless prayer meetings. We would make time to be with the Lord. Our youth services were filled with fervent prayer and the strong presence of God. Back then the youth was spiritually much stronger. But look at your generation now, it’s declining morally and spiritually and moving away from God.” These phrases are often spoken by parents in Slavic Pentecostal families who immigrated to the United States in the late 1980’s and early 1990’s. The parents grew up in the former USSR, in countries such as Ukraine, Russia, Moldova, Belarus, Estonia, Latvia, Poland, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan and the like. They were raised in countries where there was much (Christian) religious persecution, while their children were raised in the United States, where there is religious freedom.

 As American Christians were praying for the USSR to open their doors to the Gospel and religious freedom, our parents were doing the same from inside the iron curtain. As soon as communism fell, thousands of Pentecostal families sought refuge from religious persecution and economic hardship by packing their bags and moving to America. My family immigrated to America in the late 1980’s, when I was only four years of age. Even though I was very young, I realized that we had to start a new life in a new country, learn a new language, and assimilate into a new culture. I was a third culture kid.

 Having been born in Ukraine, then immigrating to the US and living here for the past 23 years, I have to admit the journey has not been easy. You may ask, “So what’s the problem? Just live the ‘American Dream’ and enjoy life.” The problem is that the third culture kids, who are now young adults and married folks, face difficulty in letting go of the past and opening doors to fresh opportunities for the future. Many older parents hold strongly to the church traditions from their former life in the USSR. Traditions that today are hindering their third culture kids from expanding their horizons and increasing their potential in ministry.

 Here is a list of what I view as the struggles the Pentecostal Slavic youth face today:

  1. A Lost Identity: Young Slavic people often face confusion and insecurity as to who they really are – Ukrainian and/or American? Young people lack the much needed encouragement from the older generation to pursue opportunities within American ministries or churches without losing their cultural identity.

  2. Church Splits over Language/Tradition: Believe it or not, many churches have split solely because some members wanted only the Russian language or only the Ukrainian language spoken during church service. Some conservative churches are even against preaching in English because they want to conserve their natural language. However, English is the primary language of the young Slavic generation, who are essentially going to become the next church leaders. When language becomes the reason for splitting a church, young people get discouraged in their faith and some join American churches. Apart from language, church traditions like wearing head coverings for the women or having a worship band instead of a choir have become a few of the top reasons for internal church splits.

  3. Lack of Discipleship & Mentoring: Many former and current pastors of Slavic Pentecostal churches never had any formal seminary training or ministry education. As a result, there is a strong focus on holiness, repentance, and prayer within the teaching, but discipleship is often forgotten. This is due in part to many of the ministers having a full-time secular job while being a full-time minister. They literally do not have the time to sit down and disciple members and new believers one-on-one. With mentorship nearly non-existent, many young people struggle with problems such as pornography, alcohol, drug abuse, sexual abuse, and emotional pains. Their parents don’t understand due to the cultural gap, their pastor doesn’t have time for them, so they are sometimes stuck to fend for themselves.

4. Pursuing Culture Instead of Christ: Sometimes when Slavic youth feel a call into the ministry, they choose to “be safe” in their culture instead of stepping out and walking on water like Apostle Peter. Stepping out on water means that they must choose to leave their comfortable, every-day lifestyle and venture into their ministry calling by attending theological seminaries, Christian colleges, establishing Bible schools, and planting churches with a new generation in mind. Many have chosen to go with the flow and not accept their position in Christ because it goes beyond their “cultural realm.” Sometimes parents even push their kids to choose careers everywhere but in the ministry field.

 There must be a shout-out to the Slavic Pentecostal pastors, leaders, and courageous hearts to reach out to the third culture kids through discipleship, encouragement, and prayer. My fear is if this does not happen, many young people will never fully reach their potential in Christian ministry but will pursue careers and objectives of a worldly value. This is not to say that God can’t use other means of rising up the Slavic youth, but maybe it’s just a step in the right direction. Christ must become higher than our culture. We must have a fresh revival of the Spirit, both for the young and old. Please join us in a prayer for revival in the Slavic youth generation of today!