Monday, June 3, 2013

Intimidated To Speak About Sin

We live in a unique and controversial period of time where much of the sin and its lustful pleasures that we hear on the news, radio, magazines, internet and the like has been foretold by the Holy Spirit inspired words of the Bible. We have prophets from the beginning of the Bible to the book of Revelations warning, reminding, teaching, exhorting us to stay faithful and be carriers of the truth of God. What has happened to the fervor of standing for the truth of God?  Have we become intimidated as disciples of Jesus Christ to speak of sin and its deadly effects? Are we trying just to change the terminology of the Gospel so people will not get offended? Is it possible we are too comfortable and used to our surrounding that we see no need to speak of God's truth and holiness?

Our approach, methods, and terminology may change but sinners will always remain sinners apart from the saving grace of our messiah Jesus Christ. If we dumb-down our message to make it more likable, more seeker-friendly, more nicer to the sinner than all we have done is let them find a comfortable seat on the road to hell. One example a major culture shift that has taken place is naming those who live in sin and rebellion to God as "unchurched" instead of sinners. It makes it sound more softer, more appealing, more relaxing to know that all I need is to find a church. But the truth is dear friend its not a church we need to find but Jesus Christ. Our society makes every effort to demote the "hurtful, mean-spirited, hateful" language of the Gospel. It's not our responsibility to make the world like us but to preach the Gospel in the whole counsel of God. It means we will be hated, we will be mocked and ridiculed, for Jesus has called the sinners not the righteous to repentance.

Ask yourself a personal question, do I conform to the world's standard of sin or do I speak on the Biblical definition of sin? Let me challenge you deeper, do you call sin in YOUR life a mistake, slip-up, error, or do you name it as sin and ask Jesus to forgive you? If we cannot be honest with our own heart, we cannot be honest with the world. Sin must be called sin not only in church or in the marketplace but in our mind, heart, and soul. God is after your heart and He sent Jesus Christ to cleanse you, forgive you, and renew you to live a righteous life. Don't let the temporary pleasures of the world dictate to you how you will live your life. Make the Word of God your standard, make your walk with God firm, and determine in your heart to speak truth not only to your friends and family but to your own heart.
We have many relationships we maintain. We have relationships in the family between parents, siblings, cousins, uncles, aunts, and relatives. We have relationships with friends, co-workers, bosses, teachers, church leaders, mentors, and such. We even have virtual relationships we maintain on Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Emails, etc. But what is the most important and highly sought relationship?
The honest person relationship. Even when we don't like hearing it, it brings an understanding that they are telling the truth about our lives. God wants a people of honest lips and truthful hearts. We become those people when the TRUTH of God's Word is filling our own hearts. Do you know that all of us have good friends? Do you know that many of us have even best friends? But did you know why we focus many times on a best friend(one person)? Good friends say great things about us, best friends tell us the truth, but a BEST friend tells us the WHOLE truth about our lives. Yet, we still want to be them. Jesus Christ is our BEST friend and He speaks only truth in our lives. Let His voice be the voice you hear every day and it will give you hope, peace, and joy. Drown out the world and its callings and be a committed disciple of Jesus Christ.

Are you intimidated by your friends, co-workers, church peers, or even ministry partners to speak about sin?

What's more important to YOU, honesty or likability?

Invite the Holy Spirit to speak into your life today. When you discover sin, call it sin, name the sin, and ask Jesus to forgive the sin. For the Bible reminds us that when you know the truth, the truth shall set you free.

Be Blessed.

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